
to our new world.

The company

Pflaum, a family-owned business based out of Strullendorf, near Bamberg, has been operating across Germany since 1980. The company is active in three business segments: transport, logistics, and lorry services. With over 1,600 employees and 1.000 lorries, we ensure that operations run smoothly 24 hours a day.

With its headquarters in Strullendorf, near Bamberg, the family-owned Pflaum has been a major player in the transport and logistics industry since 1980. A total area of 150,000 m² spread between numerous locations across Germany helps to guarantee both high capacity and maximum flexibility. Over 1,600 employees and 1000 lorries ensure that operations run smoothly, transporting vast quantities of all different cargo types around the clock. 

The Group's core strengths consist of swap body transport, food distribution, and the specialised transport of foam materials. We also make sure, with the help of our lorry washes and authorised Scania workshop, that our fleet of vehicles receive nothing less than impeccable maintenance.

Our portfolio speaks for itself, with:

  • first-rate transport services
  • integrated solutions in warehouse logistics
  • an outstanding lorry service


The company was founded as a courier and express delivery service in 1980 by Rainer and Rita Pflaum. A few years later, the founders decided to move the company to an industrial estate in Strullendorf, where they quickly became established. 1990 saw a restructuring of the transport sector with regard to heavy-duty lorries, a move that instantly made Strullendorf a more desirable location. Within a year, thanks to a large order volume, we opened our first branch in Lampertswalde, Saxony. But the founders also wanted to enter the world of logistics. To make this a reality, in the early 1990s, they built their first warehouse at the Strullendorf base, which had an area of 1,200 m². A second branch, this time in Weißenhorn, near Neu-Ulm, followed soon thereafter, in 1994.

To meet the requirements of our rapidly expanding fleet of lorries, an authorised Scania workshop, SKS GmbH & Co. KG, was founded in 1997.

Towards the end of the 1990s, we opened our third branch in Speyer, and expanded the logistics area at our Strullendorf site to 8,000 m². Following the acquisition of branches in Queis and Cochem, emphasis was placed firmly on the expansion of head office into an adequate piece of infrastructure for a transport company. We also put our first company filling station and lorry wash into operation, allowing our vehicles to refuel on site and maintain a clean and orderly appearance at all times.

The business also expanded into Saxony, and after relocating to Großenhain, we gained access to an operating area of 13,000 m², housed in a former aircraft hangar.

Meanwhile, the expansion of the logistics area in Strullendorf continued to pick up steam. In 2010, an extra 3,000 m² of warehouse space was built, followed in 2013 by the construction of a new 9,000 m² logistics hub. One year after the hub was built, we turned our eye to renovating the company's administrative offices, which had been busy keeping up with our rapid expansion. By the end, we had extended the office space and work environment for our administrative staff from 800 m² to 2,000 m².

In 2015, the Speyer site saw some necessary expansion. By relocating to the Parkstadt am Rhein industrial estate, we were able to obtain an operating area of 25,000 m². The following year, Pflaum received an award from Scania for its 1,000th lorry. An important step was also taken as regards company succession, with daughters Rita Pflaum and Ruth Pflaum being given shares.

After years of sustained growth, we still strive today to make our future as successful as our past.

Code of conduct

The PFLAUM Group attaches great importance to sustainability and ethically responsible action, which are seen as an integral part of our business processes. As a transport and logistics company operating throughout Germany, we carry out transportation and complex logistics projects with the highest level of expertise and innovation. We procure deliveries and services from carefully selected suppliers.

Our business activities are based on responsible corporate management geared towards long-term value creation. When procuring goods and awarding contracts, we pay attention not only to procedural, economic and technical criteria, but also to social and ecological aspects such as human rights, working conditions, corruption prevention and environmental protection.

For us, quality, reliability, costs, sustainability and innovation are key factors in the selection and evaluation of suppliers and service providers, taking into account the interactions between product/service, market, region and process. PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to comply with the applicable national laws and our PFLAUM Code of Conduct. In addition, they are expected to introduce or have already implemented suitable processes to ensure compliance with the law in their companies and to promote continuous improvement in accordance with the principles and requirements of the PFLAUM Code of Conduct.

PFLAUM also expects its suppliers and service providers to ensure that their affiliated companies also comply with and recognize all the principles and requirements described. By "affiliated companies" we mean companies in which at least 50% of the voting share capital is directly or indirectly beneficially owned by the other company. Below you will find our principles of conduct in the business environment:

Prohibition of corruption and bribery

PFLAUM requires its suppliers and service providers not to tolerate any form of corruption and to ensure that the guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for combating corruption and relevant anti-corruption laws are complied with in their companies. In particular, they must ensure that their employees, subcontractors or representatives do not offer, promise or grant any benefits to employees of PFLAUM or related third parties with the aim of obtaining a contract or other business advantages.

Money laundering

PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to comply with all relevant legal obligations for the prevention of money laundering and not to participate in any way in money laundering activities.

Avoidance of conflicts of interest

PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to make decisions relating to their business activities with PFLAUM solely on the basis of objective criteria. Conflicts of interest with private interests or other economic or other activities, including those of relatives or other related persons or organizations, are avoided from the outset.

Free competition

PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to behave fairly in competition and to comply with the applicable antitrust laws. Suppliers and service providers do not participate in agreements with competitors that violate antitrust law, nor do they abuse any dominant market position they may have.

Environmental protection

PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to comply with the applicable national environmental laws, regulations and standards.

Humane treatment

PFLAUM business partners are committed to creating a working environment in which all persons working in their facilities are treated with respect and dignity and are protected from abuse, harassment or bullying of any kind (e.g. physical, verbal, mental, sexual).

Child labor

PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to prohibit and refrain from any kind of child labor in their companies. In accordance with ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138, child labor is defined as any work performed by employees under the age of 15 and/or the age at which compulsory schooling ends.


PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to promote equal opportunities and equal treatment and to prevent discrimination in the recruitment of employees and in the promotion or provision of training and further training measures. No employee may be disadvantaged because of their gender, age, skin color, culture, ethnic origin, sexual identity, disability, religious affiliation or ideology.

Forced labor

PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers not to permit forced labor in their companies.

Remuneration and working hours
PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to comply with the applicable national legislation on working hours. Furthermore, the employees of suppliers and service providers are expected to receive remuneration that is in line with the applicable national laws. Explicit, but not exclusive, reference is made here to the obligation to comply with the "Gesetz zur Regelung eines allgemeinen Mindestlohns" (Minimum Wage Act - MiLoG) in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Health protection and occupational safety

PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to comply with the applicable national legislation on health protection and occupational safety. This includes the containment of actual and potential occupational safety risks on the one hand and the training of employees to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses in the best possible way on the other.
This includes well-maintained workspaces and equipment, suitable protective measures, safety training and measures to prevent excessive mental and physical fatigue.

Supplier relationships

PFLAUM expects its suppliers and service providers to communicate all the principles and requirements described here to their contractors and suppliers and also to comply with them when selecting them. Suppliers and service providers shall encourage their contractors and suppliers to comply with the described standards on human rights, working conditions, corruption prevention and environmental protection as part of the fulfillment of their contractual obligations.

Compliance with the PFLAUM Supplier Code of Conduct

Compliance with the principles and requirements of this PFLAUM Code of Conduct by suppliers and service providers is confirmed by signing the "Supplier and Service Provider Declaration", which forms part of the mutual business relationship. Any breach of the principles and requirements set out in the PFLAUM Code of Conduct will be regarded as a significant impairment of the contractual relationship on the part of the supplier and/or service provider. In the event of suspected non-compliance with the principles and requirements of the PFLAUM Code of Conduct, PFLAUM reserves the right to demand information about the relevant facts. Furthermore, PFLAUM has the right to extraordinarily terminate without notice individual or all contractual relationships with suppliers and service providers who demonstrably do not comply with the PFLAUM Supplier Code of Conduct or who do not strive for and implement improvement measures after PFLAUM has set them a reasonable deadline to do so.

Contact point for identified violations

Contact point for identified violations - whistle report

Contact point for identified human rights violations in supply chains: lksg-beschwerde(a)pflaum-logistik.de